About the Service
External Audit and Assurance
At Bagaka Auditors Inc, we provide external audit and assurance services to ensure that our clients comply with the regulatory requirements in their respective industries. As a registered audit practice with the Independent Regulatory Board of Auditors (IRBA), we are authorised to perform regulatory audits and issue audit opinions in accordance with the Auditing Profession Act.
Our Expertise and Experience
Over the years, we have had opportunities to audit some of the most renowned organisations in South Africa, including SizweNtsalubaGobodo Grant-Thornton, South African Local Authorities Pension Fund, Technoserve NPC, Dipuno ESD Foundation, and Batseta Council for Retirement Funds.
Our Assurance Services
Audits of Financial Statements
Review of Financial Statements
Engagement Quality Reviews or Pre-Issuance Reviews
Agreed Upon Procedures Engagement
Compliance Audits
Our Technology
Our Learning and Development
We pride ourselves as a centre for learning and development, as our professionals stay abreast of new developments in audit and accounting. We participate in industry programs and attend regular training to ensure we remain relevant.
Our services
Require other services? View our full-circle of Accounting services below: